Thursday, 3 November 2011

Parent Support Team Positions Filled

Dear Abraar School Parents, assalamu alaikum!

Congratulations to the following candidates for filling in the PST positions below.  Please note that no elections were held as a result of not having enough candidates for each position.  A meeting with the 2010/2011 PST active members will take place within the next few weeks.

Thank you,

Qualifications/Reason for Nomination
Samia Bourak
·        Fluent in French , English and Arabic.

·        Master degree in Law

·        Experience in teaching and managing school
Ghada Qadan
Volunteer Coordinator
·        MBA in management and 14 plus work experience in managing educational and scholarship programs.
·        I am heavily involved in my kids’ education.
·        Strong believer in a parent-school team.

Islam Gomaa
PST Chair
·        Believer that we all have to participate in order to offer a great future for our children.
·         Information technology manager, I manage people and systems, I have a big team that works for me. 
·        Part of my role is to encourage and inspire my employees to accomplish their tasks and projects as well as helping them to advance in their careers.
·         Beside the mentioned ideas, I have a lot of ideas that I would like to achieve with the other PST members.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Abraar Parent Support Team

The Parents Support Team (PST) was formed informally by a group of parents who volunteered their time and effort for various school activities (such as the Hot lunch and the End of year school BBQ). In order to expand this group, it has been decided that Elections will be held for the various positions to keep this group going.

Elections will be held for the following position:

PST Chair:The chairperson will provide leadership for the team. He/She will delegate responsibilities to other PST members and encourage meaningful participation in all activities.

PST Vice-Chair: The vice-chair will provide support to the chairperson, and will step into the chairperson's role in the case that the chairperson can no longer fulfill their duties.

Volunteer Coordinator; He/She will be responsible to encourage parents to volunteer at the school in any way possible and to coordinate volunteers for events such as bake sales, BBQ etc..

Treasurer: He/She shall be responsible to keep track of the PST budget. Money spent and money received.

Members: Any person that would like to be an active member but is not sure of what they can provide.

Nominations can be made by filling out the attached form by November 2, 2011 and emailing it to .  Voting will be held onlne on this BLOG during the week of  November 5th to November 9th.

If you have any questions/comments please email

A Reminder: Please note that the PST’s mandate is solely to provide opportunities to support and sponsor various activities during the school year. Any comments/suggestions concerning specific school operations should be directed to the school Administration.

Jazaakum Allaahu khayran for your understanding and continued support!

(Pease copy and paste the following into your email body and send to .




Position: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________

Brief description of qualifications, and why you should be chosen for this position:







*Please be ready to present the current PST with a photo/short description of your skills and qualifications to be included on this blog during the voting period.